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What's Saving Your Life This Spring?

What's Saving Your Life

I hear you... counting down the days...days till the next break...days till summer...days till 
retirement. Been there, done that! And now, looking back at our teaching life from retirement, I hear Joni Mitchell singing in my ear, "I've looked at life from both sides now..." The view from here isn't all sunshine and roses, but I can make a few observations with most of the emotion now stripped away. I adore my teacher friends, still in the classroom, and still making a tremendous contribution. I have former students, children of my heart forever, now working as teachers or just entering the profession. I want only the best for each of them and you, and I hope this post will have a little something to ease you on down the road to summer! 

This is an idea that comes from an idea that one of my fav bloggers revisits every year. If you haven't read posts by Modern Mrs. Darcy, I highly recommend her blog. She has so many ideas for lifelong readers and book lovers, like us!  

According to Mrs, Darcy, "The idea comes from Barbara Brown Taylor’s wonderful memoir Leaving Church. In it, she tells the story of how once, when she was invited to speak at a gathering, her host gave her this instruction for her speaking topic: “Tell us what is saving your life right now.” She said the genius of the question is that though most of us know exactly what’s killing us, it’s harder to name what’s saving us. It’s too good a question not to revisit from time to time, and so we’ve done it annually at the midpoint of winter. (Or, in 2024, thereabouts.)" 

And so, my darlings, here we go! Onward to Teacher Appreciation Day, with each of us indulging in a little self-appreciation in the days ahead.

Currently Saving My Life

Pink - Pink saves my life. Deeply affected by Barbie, the movie, just that bright, saturated Barbie pink color saves me every day. I surround myself with touches of it, and gazing at them makes me happy. Clothing, nails, shoes, Zumba shoes, ink, markers, acrylic paints, glitter (sorry, not sorry), drinking cups, and my favorite song by Pink herself, "Never Not Gonna Dance Again". Wait till you see my new pink dress that I am saving for Mother's Day! I will wear it all day whether I am alone or with family. Because it saves me. 

Dance - Dancing saves my life. I love going to Zumba class with all the sweet young things. I tell them that I have returned to stumble along behind them, but after a few short minutes (maybe a song or two into the hour), I feel that I am actually doing something that approximates dancing! Can't find a class near you? Make a playlist on Youtube. I love the routines by ZumbaDaze! Try it! I promise you'll love it, and it just may save you, if only for an hour a day! Dance like no one is watching. Because they likely are not!

Cooking - Creative cooking has always saved my life. Due to hubby's recent lifestyle changes required for his health, I have temporarily suspended my love of trying new recipes and especially exploring Korean cooking, as I've done for the past year. If you are interested in dabbling, I started with Eric Kim, but then found Maangchi's blog. Maangchi saves my life. Her love of cooking is infectious! Also, Molly Yeh from Girl Meets Farm is magnificent in the way she blends Asian and Midwestern cooking. And her kitchen...Sigh...Don't get me started!

The way I'm saving my life with cooking has boiled down (😂) to simplicity. We eat mostly protein and veggies now. Could get boring, but some easy things that you and your family might love are: Egg Roll in a Bowl (recipes everywhere)! Who ever thought of cooking cole slaw mix? Brilliant! I expanded that idea to cooking various bagged salad mixes, adding spices, flavored oils, or sesame oil, light soy sauce, whatever, and adding cooked protein - chicken, beef, turkey, shrimp, or tofu. Yummy and done in a hot second!

Reading - But of course! I am and always have been all about the books.

Currently loving: 

Museum of Failures by Thrity Umrigard 

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

For more and detailed suggestions for reading for you and your students, check out this post:

What's Saving Your Life Right Now?

As you continue the countdown mentioned above, save your teaching life with some ready-to go Spring lessons and activities from Rainbow City Learning!

I would love love love to hear what's saving your life right now! Please answer in the comments below!

For more Spring classroom ideas, don't miss these great posts by our awesome members of Teacher Talk!  

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  1. This is so nice! Sometimes I forget to smell the roses, so to speak. These were lovely reminders to do so. Thanks

  2. I enjoyed this blog post. I spend most of my time writing now, but I, too, love to cook and read.
