Sweetheart #6 has a birthday this month, and she's made a special request. Filling that request has led me down the rabbit hole of TPT creation, and it's not ready yet. I promise that you will love it, and I hope that you will check back here for an announcement when it is ready! (Better yet, make sure that you are on my mailing list. It will definitely be announced there!) Hint: It will really raise the bar on your read-aloud practice. Okay, enough - I can't keep a secret. Need to stop writing about it!
Since I can't write about what I've actually spent hours this week working on, I decided to check out the National Day Calendar and discovered that our sweetheart's birthday is also National Scribble Day! I love it!!!
Here's the link if you'd like to check it out. Watch the embedded video for some bulletin board ideas! There is a totally precious book that goes with this special celebration, and I have already ordered one as a bonus birthday gift (along with some crayons and paper so we can start scribbling immediately).
Speaking of scribbling...
And speaking of scribbling, Tyler Henry has a new show on Netflix. I had heard of him, but never had seen any of his tv work. Last night, while scrolling through Netflix to find something that hubby and I could watch together, his new series popped up. As only one of us is interested in psychic mediums in the least, I found myself alone with the remote. If you have never heard of Tyler Henry, he is quite an accomplished psychic medium and previously worked with many Hollywood stars.
What I found most compelling about Tyler's practice is the way he constantly scribbles while he is doing a reading. He carries a notebook and it is filled with page after page of what looks like aimless scribbling with a black ballpoint pen. Here are some examples of his scribbling, and I LOVE how they are framed as art! This picture is courtesy of Netflix, where you can binge his new show!

When questioned about his scribbling during readings, Tyler shares that he has done this since he was a student, and that the repetitiveness of scribbling frees his mind to receive messages. As my teacher brain kicked in, I could really see the usefulness of this as a tool for studying, or for listening to a lesson. I've always encouraged students to draw and doodle in their journal while writing daily entries, taking notes, or revisiting a notebook or journal entry. But aimless, seemingly mindless scribbling? Never occurred to me. Now, I want to dive back into someone's classroom and try this! I also see this as a great tool for anyone of any age for meditation and relaxation. A cup of black ballpoints and some paper could be a great addition to our calm down corners!
Please, please, please come back and comment below if you add scribbling to either your classroom or personal practices, and tell me how it's working for you! I plan to try this myself and will come back to edit this post when I have some results!
Calm Down Corner
If you are looking for other resources to use in your Calm Down Corner, I hope you'll check out what Rainbow City Learning has to offer!
Click here for 40 ideas, or just click below for these popular posters!
Wishing you peace and calm in the days ahead, and inspiration to start with a scribble!

If I can do anything else to help make your job easier this year, please let me know in the comments below! If I use your idea for a new blog post, you will win a TpT $10 gift card. If I create a new resource for
Rainbow City Learning based on your idea, you will win a free copy of that resource to use in your classroom! (Note: all comments are reviewed before appearing on my blog. It may take a few hours for your comment to appear! Thanks for your patience!)
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Great ideas- doodling helps me think too!