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Box 2
Character Education

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Box 3
Digital Learning

Learning During Our New Reality: Social Distancing

Dear teaching friends, things are looking pretty bleak right now, as we all hunker down for social distancing. Schools are closed, and distance learning is our new reality. None of this is what we signed up for, but here we are.

I know that many of you have district-required packets and instruction to deliver to your students, but I'd like to offer a few suggestions that you might pass on to parents to keep kids learning while they are at home. This might help if we have to go beyond the two or three weeks that have been estimated.

In my opinion, learning continues as long as you keep kids reading and writing. Continue to offer book list suggestions, and encourage kids to keep a daily journal. The journal could include thoughts and drawings on what they are reading as well as thoughts about how they are spending these days.

If you are doing live distance learning, why not add in an art project here and there as a nice break from academics?

Start your distance learning session with a yoga pose, a breath, and a thought for the day. 

Kids could start blogs of their own. Try blogger, weekly, or kidblog. Here are some tips on getting that started. 

Our local school district is providing Chrome books for any students who don't have a computer at home. This could also be an opportunity for kids to record how-to videos about something they are good at. It might be fun to share these on whatever platform you are using for your distance learning.

Great time for a Genius Hour type of project. What is a topic that an individual student might have been interested in learning more about if they had the time? The time has certainly presented itself now! Here's a short article on six safe search engines for kids.

For your own kids at home or your classroom babies, here's a You Tube Channel for art that my favorite (only) grandson and I have enjoyed together! Art For Kids Hub

If you have any resources from Rainbow City Learning that you have purchased in the past, please know that you may share them with parents of this year's students within your distance learning application during this difficult time. TOU restrictions will be waived for you to make use of resources you own or resources you buy in the weeks ahead to help with online learning.

Looking forward to chatting with you again, on the other side of our current situation. Be well and stay safe!

For more real talk from real teachers for March, please check out these phenomenal blogs!

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