Friends. Yay! What would any of us do without our good friends? The ones who really care, and who are there for you no matter what?
Our situation: My friend Cindy and I (two recently retired teachers, who have not had our fill of time with the kids and probably never will), volunteer every week at our local elementary school (where we both taught), and at the upper elementary that is the next step for kids in our neighborhood. We have started an amazing after school club at the upper elementary based on the units in a series of lessons by Bullyproof Rainbow.
Yes, it IS an amazing club! The kids have really made it amazing by the way they take our ideas and RUN with them! They are learning improv, and taking their naturally effervescent personalities to the stage to show others the way to a Bullyproof life! More about our club in future posts.
Our club, The Positivity Players, performed for the whole school right before Christmas, and we were due to start a new unit this week. The unit is called "Got Your Back: Learning to be Loyal". I was on the couch (where else?) fretting over how all this would be accomplished with 32 extremely energetic 5th and 6th graders and one teacher. (BTW, Cindy was a kindergarten teacher and has always said that she would go to the upper school with me, but not without me. They ARE at an interesting age! Did I mention their extreme energy?) The emails were flying back and forth between us. I had all the materials at home. How was all this going to happen for the club?
Cindy sent me an email saying, "I found a roll of paper. Don't worry! I've got your back!" A roll of paper? Don't worry? OK. I've known Cindy forever. Best kindergarten teacher on the planet, best mom around (I had her awesome son in my class, so I know!), and a really upbeat, positive person to be around on any day. So I rolled over, hugged my pillow, and went back to sleep. Cindy had my back.
The next day, the photos arrived with absolute proof that Cindy had my back and the back of every kid in the club. She created a fab activity that can easily be duplicated in your classroom today or tomorrow, with or without our unit!
Here it is:
1. Play either or both of these FREE videos with a great background song and focal point:
Recommend the first one for 5th grade and up. The second one is perfect for grades 3-5.
2. Talk about loyalty in friendship, what a loyal friend is, and times a friend had your back.
3. Spread roll paper in hall and make sure plenty of colorful markers are available. Our club kids
bring their own!
4. Student directions: Draw a back view of yourself and color. Write on your back a
way that you have noticed that a friend has had your back. OR (special request by kids) Draw your
friend's back view and tell how you have your friend's back!
5. Cut out and display/discuss OR simply hang up the whole roll of loyalty to inspire all who walk by
Flu alert: This COULD easily be a sub activity in case the flu gets you down this year!

Teachers, stay healthy! But just in case, remember - We've got your back with this easy lesson!
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