Meet Larry. Poor guy. Way past his prime at the ripe old age of 29! He cares about kids and is a truly dedicated teacher, but he teaches waaaaayyy too hard! Up till 3 am every night and nose to the grindstone all weekend, creating every lesson from scratch and prepping materials. Doesn't he know that there's an easier way to be a great teacher?
Larry doesn't know about TpT and the site wide sale that is starting at midnight tonight! You, however, know about it and can join in! Get that wishlist started first at Rainbow City Learning, and then browse away!
The four teaching friends (my buddies and I!) from the podcast "We Teach So Hard" are offering a gift card giveaway that goes live at midnight! Enter the rafflecopter at the end of this post and follow us on our podcast, blogs, and TpT stores for chances to win a $40 TpT gift card. Forty dollars would make a nice starting dent in your wish list!
While you're shopping the sale, I hope you'll take a look at some of these fun and rigorous resources from Rainbow City Learning! Remember to use the code FEBSALE at checkout to save even more!

Click on each graphic above to find tons of resources to print and use tomorrow, next week, or next month! Click on the rafflecopter below to enter our giveaway! Time to stop teaching soooo hard!
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