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A New Way Forward in Election 2024

It's my birthday month. The following represents my views. If you have a politically charged comeback, please just say, "Happy Birthday" and keep stepping. I have to approve each comment before it ever appears anyway! 

So much to think about concerning our country and the world. The Presidential debates have begun, and at this time appear to be over after the first one, and it's getting more and more uncomfortable up in here. Neighbors and former friends are digging in their heels on opposite sides, clearly dependent on which echo chamber is providing their news reports. What on earth do we tell our children, our students, and even each other about the qualifications of the candidates? One of these people will soon be selected as the "Leader of the Free World". I can't help wondering what The Dowager Empress would have to say on the discussion from the last debate. Before long, we will have a chance to vote and will know the outcome. We may very well have the first woman in office as President of the United States. 

I've always wondered if things would be different if women were really in control of governments. Wondered if the focus would be more on being kind to each other, less on the need to show up with the biggest weapon. Who knows? The girls aren't always so kind to each other either.

I belong to quite a few teacher groups, both online and in person. Although I am officially retired, I guess I will always consider myself a teacher, and I love to be around those who are still so actively involved. Every couple of days it seems, someone enters the discussion online or shows up at the restaurant or walks into the teacher's lounge with a similar complaint. "It's (insert month here), and my class is still so out of control. Kids are so mean to each other. I have bullies in my class. I hope they don't keep talking and screaming through my evaluation." I sometimes helpfully suggest the proven system I used which can seamlessly work with the standards and bring kids together as a learning community. Works like magic. Honest. You won't read about it here. I'm tired of suggesting it. No one seems to be listening. You can email me if you'd like a link to those resources.

I often long for a kinder and simpler time when kids had someone to look up to. My suggestion? Let's offer some role models for kids to look up to. Let's start with us. Mainstream America has been involved in a campaign of disrespect for teachers for waaaaayyyyy too long now. One of the Presidential candidates actually said during the debate that teachers are performing gender change operations on students during the school day. Seriously? With what equipment? In which operating room? Last time I visited, school buildings don't have this capability. What tools are they using? Crayons and glue guns? I remember when kids looked up to their teachers and wanted to grow up to be just like them. (Those of us who have been involved in education long enough will remember those days. They were real.) Starting with us simply means to me to walk into that classroom every day with a clean slate. You have no bullies. You have no loud and disrespectful kids in that room. You are a great teacher with the greatest class ever. Now let's get the day started. They may just surprise you and act the way you would like them to act.

Now for role models. Our next president may very well be a woman. No political endorsement either way here. It's a fact. She may just win it while her opponent is acting like the worst fourth grade discipline problem kid on a long recess with no supervision. (Maybe he had poor role models. Don't know. Don't care. No excuse for him.)

I like to show my students positive female role models in life and in careers throughout the year, not just during Women's History Month, and finding new examples of strong and successful women all around us, I am continually amazed that I never run out of new and exciting discoveries.

A few examples:

Kathryn Sullivan of NOAA, who placed the Hubble telescope in space, and now protects the oceans and atmosphere of our planet, launching a media campaign for #EarthIsBlue and educating our young people about the importance of protecting this jewel of a planet that has been entrusted to us.

Marie Daly, an African American PH.D. chemist (did I mention the first one?) who researched healthy foods and lifestyle habits that could lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. She did this in the 1940s. She also gave back by way of encouraging young people of color to apply for careers in science and medicine.

Jane Goodall, who lived among and studied the wild chimpanzees of Tanzania. I had heard of her before of course, but did not know of her extensive work in science education for young people.

Just a few. The list is long. Strong, ambitious, motivated to reach and grasp and learn. And then to give back. Leave a legacy. Role models we can aspire to. No one cares if they were large or small. They had no need to point out the size of their own or any other person's body parts or crowd size. Their interests were in leading from the heart, with all the knowledge they could acquire, in an area they had a passion for exploring. What more could we ask of our own children, or of our leaders?

So for this month, at least, and hopefully going forward, let's try encouraging all of our students to read like a girl, interact like a girl, study like a girl, discuss like a girl, aspire like a girl, and to lead like a girl. Let's encourage them to do all these things in the way the best of our role models (including you!) would do them. Get involved in some research and project based learning focused on these and other role models. And watch those immature behaviors and unkind actions melt away.

You may like browsing these resources to get started (just click!):

If I can do anything to help make your job easier this year, please let me know in the comments below! If I use your idea for a new blog post, you will win a TpT $10 gift card. If I create a new resource for Rainbow City Learning based on your idea, you will win a free copy of that resource to use in your classroom! (Note: all comments are reviewed before appearing on my blog. It may take a few hours for your comment to appear! Thanks for your patience!)

For more ideas to try this month, please check out the fabulous bloggers of Teacher Talk! 

If you would also like to be a part of Teacher Talk, we are a group of teacher bloggers who share posts that are heavy on the ideas with just a little selling of our educational materials at TPT. For more information about joining The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative, go to  Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. 

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Teach What's Important

Happy New School Year, teachers! I hope you all have those wishlists set up on Amazon, and that your family and friends are busy making all of your wishes come true for this year! So much has changed since I've left the classroom, but I think that wishlist idea is a definite move in the right direction! 

So many friends have been super busy setting up their rooms and getting ahead on the lesson plans. With all the required standards to meet, and district adopted curriculum to pursue, deciding what goes into the plans for a day, a week, or a month seems like a huge task. 

The most important lessons you can teach in these early days can set you up for student success and your own peace all year. May I suggest teaching that you are someone who cares about each student, and who can be trusted? I would also like to suggest that you teach students that they belong to a caring community this year, and can count on each other. Our brains are so much more open to new learnings when not burdened by stress. Take the time to read parent letters about their children, and to talk with each parent even if it's not conference time yet. The more you know about your students as people, the better you will be able to serve them as learners. I know it's surprising to many adults, but kindness, empathy, collaboration, and compassion actually have to be taught. We may be born with the basics of these attributes, but young children need some instruction and direction to develop these traits. My third and final suggestion is that you always teach that learning is fun! You do that by example. If you are truly interested in the subject matter that you are teaching, and enjoyed learning about it yourself, share that with your students. Enthusiasm is infectious! Click on the highlighted words above fo some Rainbow City Learning style activities to get there!

A favorite little set up trick of mine was to take some time on the first day to just observe my students with the class list in my hand. Saying nothing, I would just smile, looks at the list, and look at the kids. Then I'd close the door, and say very quietly, "It's true! The office really did put ALL the best kids in my class! Wow! I hope they don't realize that they have done this. Shhhhh...please don't tell them! We're going to have the best year ever!" You need to practice this, using your own way of saying things, until it sounds real and natural. If they believe you, and I think they will, the result is pure teacher magic!

This is a time when many school districts are discouraging and even forbidding the use of TPT resources. While I am not trying to convince you to adopt a ready to print curriculum from my store or anyone else's, there are definitely some time saving shorter activities that will help you to create the classroom atmosphere of your dreams. They can be used to build the base for a solid year with all the attention to curriculum standards that you need. I hope you'll visit Rainbow City Learning on TPT, and put a bundle together that will work for your classroom! Small bites or activities taught more intensely at the beginning of the year, and then sprinkled lightly throughout the rest of the year! Why not try it? Would love hear from you how it is working!

If you would like to try a preselected bundle of activities to build your community and share the pure joy of learning, why not start with one of my monthly themed bundles? Click the links below to get started!

Wishing you the best school year ever!

For more ideas to get your year off to a great start, check out these posts from our blogging group!

If you would also like to be a part of Teacher Talk this school year, we are a group of teacher bloggers who share posts that are heavy on the ideas with just a little selling of our educational materials at TPT. For more information about joining The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative, go to  Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. 

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Summer is Almost Here


Summer is almost here! Can you feel it just ahead? This is the time to pack up your room, pass out your Super Summer Kits, collect your fabulous teacher gifts, and collect lots of hugs, smiling through your tears. Don't cry. I'm here to tell you from the other side of your teacher life that your students loved you and appreciated all you did for them this year. When they look back on their school years, the older they get, the more they will realize what you did for them. Many of them will even find ways to tell you. I promise. 

As teacher-astronaut Christa McAuliffe once said, "I touch the future. I teach." As
you close up shop for this year and start to plan for next year, never forget that in all you do and say and plan, you touch the future every day. What an awesome superpower to have!

Reaching out into the future, you may find an idea or two in this bundle from Rainbow City Learning. The Summer Activity Calendar is a must! Lots of ideas for other add ins. 

What was the Super Summer Kit? It was simply a large ziplock bag or white 8 1/2 x 11 envelope filled with an activity calendar, a list of books "Recommended in Rainbow City" by other students, a goodbye letter from me filled with memories of our year together, and hopes I held for them as they grew up and away, fun writing suggestions like nature observations and different ways to make fun books and journals, a list of fun local day trips and summer field trips, and a summer bucket list brainstorming activity called "I Would if I Could". Kids used these throughout the summer with no future deadlines or pressure. Some even took them to camp for some downtime suggestions to share with bunkmates. I made a colorful and personalized cover page for each one, and loved having this unique gift to greet them on the last day of school as important as the backpack bags I greeted them with on the first day!

Since I have now have evidence that so many are hugely successful adults, and since those who looped with me or returned to a classroom of a teaching friend that I could check in with came back refreshed and even smarter, I have to conclude that the Super Summer Kit was enough. The thick worksheet books that parents used to clamor for at our local book shop every May and June seemed daunting and uninteresting to me. What kid wants an assignment to complete every day all summer long, in  the interest of "keeping skills sharp"? Kids need their vacation and down time just as much as we adults do to refresh, recharge, and renew our interest in learning. I always found that the activities that I selected for that kit (most found right here in this bundle) were a "just right" approach to summer learning.

So, if you are lamenting the end of the school year, even while looking forward to your own summer plans, and want to send your babies off with a fun and learning filled kit for their summer, I hope you'll check out these summer resources from Rainbow City Learning for a happy slide through summer and into the next school year. And don't worry, they're still making more! (Love and kisses to Joanie, now in Heaven. She always told me not to cry on the last day because they were making more (kids) and when they were ready, they'd send them!)

For more summer inspiration, please check out the fabulous bloggers of Teacher Talk! This is our last linkup until August. Posts in this linkup are limited to Teacher Talk member bloggers only.

If you would also like to be a part of Teacher Talk, we are a group of teacher bloggers who share posts that are heavy on the ideas with just a little selling of our educational materials at TPT. For more information about joining The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative, go to  Feel free to email me at if you have any questions. 

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What's Saving Your Life This Spring?

What's Saving Your Life

I hear you... counting down the days...days till the next break...days till summer...days till 
retirement. Been there, done that! And now, looking back at our teaching life from retirement, I hear Joni Mitchell singing in my ear, "I've looked at life from both sides now..." The view from here isn't all sunshine and roses, but I can make a few observations with most of the emotion now stripped away. I adore my teacher friends, still in the classroom, and still making a tremendous contribution. I have former students, children of my heart forever, now working as teachers or just entering the profession. I want only the best for each of them and you, and I hope this post will have a little something to ease you on down the road to summer! 

This is an idea that comes from an idea that one of my fav bloggers revisits every year. If you haven't read posts by Modern Mrs. Darcy, I highly recommend her blog. She has so many ideas for lifelong readers and book lovers, like us!  

According to Mrs, Darcy, "The idea comes from Barbara Brown Taylor’s wonderful memoir Leaving Church. In it, she tells the story of how once, when she was invited to speak at a gathering, her host gave her this instruction for her speaking topic: “Tell us what is saving your life right now.” She said the genius of the question is that though most of us know exactly what’s killing us, it’s harder to name what’s saving us. It’s too good a question not to revisit from time to time, and so we’ve done it annually at the midpoint of winter. (Or, in 2024, thereabouts.)" 

And so, my darlings, here we go! Onward to Teacher Appreciation Day, with each of us indulging in a little self-appreciation in the days ahead.

Currently Saving My Life

Pink - Pink saves my life. Deeply affected by Barbie, the movie, just that bright, saturated Barbie pink color saves me every day. I surround myself with touches of it, and gazing at them makes me happy. Clothing, nails, shoes, Zumba shoes, ink, markers, acrylic paints, glitter (sorry, not sorry), drinking cups, and my favorite song by Pink herself, "Never Not Gonna Dance Again". Wait till you see my new pink dress that I am saving for Mother's Day! I will wear it all day whether I am alone or with family. Because it saves me. 

Dance - Dancing saves my life. I love going to Zumba class with all the sweet young things. I tell them that I have returned to stumble along behind them, but after a few short minutes (maybe a song or two into the hour), I feel that I am actually doing something that approximates dancing! Can't find a class near you? Make a playlist on Youtube. I love the routines by ZumbaDaze! Try it! I promise you'll love it, and it just may save you, if only for an hour a day! Dance like no one is watching. Because they likely are not!

Cooking - Creative cooking has always saved my life. Due to hubby's recent lifestyle changes required for his health, I have temporarily suspended my love of trying new recipes and especially exploring Korean cooking, as I've done for the past year. If you are interested in dabbling, I started with Eric Kim, but then found Maangchi's blog. Maangchi saves my life. Her love of cooking is infectious! Also, Molly Yeh from Girl Meets Farm is magnificent in the way she blends Asian and Midwestern cooking. And her kitchen...Sigh...Don't get me started!

The way I'm saving my life with cooking has boiled down (😂) to simplicity. We eat mostly protein and veggies now. Could get boring, but some easy things that you and your family might love are: Egg Roll in a Bowl (recipes everywhere)! Who ever thought of cooking cole slaw mix? Brilliant! I expanded that idea to cooking various bagged salad mixes, adding spices, flavored oils, or sesame oil, light soy sauce, whatever, and adding cooked protein - chicken, beef, turkey, shrimp, or tofu. Yummy and done in a hot second!

Reading - But of course! I am and always have been all about the books.

Currently loving: 

Museum of Failures by Thrity Umrigard 

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

For more and detailed suggestions for reading for you and your students, check out this post:

What's Saving Your Life Right Now?

As you continue the countdown mentioned above, save your teaching life with some ready-to go Spring lessons and activities from Rainbow City Learning!

I would love love love to hear what's saving your life right now! Please answer in the comments below!

For more Spring classroom ideas, don't miss these great posts by our awesome members of Teacher Talk!  

If you would also like to be a part of Teacher Talk, we are a group of teacher bloggers who share posts
that are heavy on the ideas with just a little selling of our educational materials at  For more information about joining The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative, go to  Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OUR LINKY IF YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF TEACHER TALK. We would love to have you join our group, but please don't post until you do!

We would love to have you read and comment on our posts. If you are selling a school or another course of study and commenting as a way to advertise, please don't! Your comment will go to SPAM.


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Create a Zen Classroom

Full Moon ahead? Major school break coming up? Too much excitement for students in the class before yours, or on the bus ride to school? Yikes! That could mean that your day is set up for major headaches, much waiting for quiet and attention, and a constant struggle to get through the lesson plan.

But what if you could bring an atmosphere of calm and peace to your classroom each and every day, no matter what may be happening just outside your door? Welcome to the Zen Classroom! Here are some easy-peasy ways to bring back the calm and get on with the learning:

Of course, we all have heard of brain breaks, and many teachers are already making great use of brain breaks and brain gym activities on a regular basis. I'm wondering if you've tried just breathing at the start of a lesson, after a transition, or when things get a little out of control. You can bring your class right back to center and focus with just a minute or two of focused breathing. Have a sign ready that says, "Breathe". Have a pre-agreed posture that kids automatically get into because they've learned it. It can be sitting up straight in their chair, criss-cross applesauce on desktops, or on a pre-designated spot on the floor. My students often enjoyed taking a seat on the floor under their desks to find a quiet personal spot.

When the sign is displayed, students can engage in one of several types of breathing. Simple and slow  in through the nose and out through the mouth, one of many yoga breaths than can be learned and at the ready for these moments, or whatever breath helps each child to slow down and get calm. Different kids will have their favorites, and one or two that will work best for them.

Just a minute or two spent breathing in this way will restore peace and calm to each student in your class. Because I love you, and because I really want you to try this, here's a free poster for you! Just click, download and print!


Try setting up a yoga poster or two at each of the stations (math, writing, etc.) in your class. Set up a routine with kids that before attempting each academic station, they will practice a pose and/or a breath. Kids and you will see a definite upswing in success, I promise! It's just a great way to clear your head and to save a space in your brain for the learning to sink in. Try it with those dreaded times tables or even a passage from Shakespeare! You just may be surprised!

The most wonderful benefit of starting some of these practices with your kids is that they are truly life practices. Kids will remember and even automatically start breathing or assuming certain positions in stressful or difficult situations or even when preparing for a test, first date, or job interview in the future. You will have given your students a gift for a lifetime by starting some of these habits now in your classroom.

Here's another great use for those yoga posters or yoga cards!
Set up a series of yoga mats, or bath/beach towels, or just areas marked off by tape around your room (or playground!). Place a yoga card/poster at each area. connect the course with yoga straps stretched out (or tape) or yoga blocks laid in a row (can also be stepping stones from the garden or paper stepping stones). I love to use paper stepping stones with messages written on them like, "Just Breathe!" or "Find Your Focus!" or "Be Calm!" or even "Chill!" Laminate them and tape to the floor or ground. Instruct students to follow the paths you have set up from station to station where they will  spend from three to five minutes practicing the postures and/or breaths posted there.

If you make setting up the obstacle course a class job, it will be a very easy and short setup for you, and a yoga obstacle course can be done as frequently and easily as a brain break. Definitely try it outdoors in the Spring for a calm and organized recess with a purpose!
Individual sets of yoga pose and breath cards in each student's desk make it possible for individuals to use these relaxation techniques whenever the need arises. That might not be at the same time for every student! When students have quick access to visual cues, they can try out some new or trusted poses or breaths whenever they need them. A new way of redirecting behavior for you just might become, "Try a card!"

Try hole-punching and adding a "ring-it" to individual decks. Kids can cut out the cards, hole-punch, and assemble themselves in third grade and above. Don't make more work for yourself by creating all the decks yourself when kids can give some zen back to you by doing it themselves. (Of course, cutting and assembling does have its rewards. Try binging on Netflix while cutting!)

 In my classroom, a very popular volunteer position was "CPA Parents". These wonderful (usually full-time working) parents would check their kids' backpacks each night for bags of materials from me to "Cut, Paste, Assemble" (CPA). All the work would usually be completed that evening and returned to school the next day. It's like having a team of fairy godmothers and godfathers just waiting for you to make a wish! Bibbidy-bobbidy-boo! It's an easy way for parents who must work, but want to volunteer in the classroom to take part.

Coloring books and zentangles of all kinds have been increasing in popularity for several years now, and it's no wonder! Focusing in on coloring changes your breathing and is a calming and restorative practice for kids and grownups alike. Using different colored pencils, crayons, markers, and even touches of watercolor adds to the experience. I love using coloring pages with a message. Kids will internalize the message as their fingers make strokes inside and outside the lines. Try printing posters (your choice - make them yourself or make it easy and purchase some) in black/white or grayscale for kids to color in. You can add to your classroom decor with posters personalized by your students. A win for all!

I hope that some or all of these suggestions will help you to create the kind of space in your classroom that will make you feel peaceful and happy while traveling to work to each day, looking forward to teaching and learning as you have always hoped it would be!

You might find some of the resources in these two bundles helpful in your journey to zen:

For more Spring classroom ideas, don't miss these great posts by our awesome members of Teacher Talk!  

If you would also like to be a part of Teacher Talk, we are a group of teacher bloggers who share posts
that are heavy on the ideas with just a little selling of our educational materials at  For more information about joining The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative, go to  Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

Celebrate Reading

How do you celebrate reading?

Bringing back a favorite post to help you plan ahead for "March is Reading Month".

"It's always something." (Gilda Radner as Roseanne Rosannadanna) Every day that we show up at school, ready to learn, is a cause for celebration. "...and everywhere was a song and a celebration." (Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young. Woodstock, baby.) Seriously, teachers, we can find something to celebrate in class every single day. The biggest celebration, of course, is when the imaginary light bulbs flash with new learning, with a newly converted reader for life, budding author, artist, mathematician, researcher, or maker. As teachers, we are part of those amazing moments all year long. And yet, if we seek other celebrations to bring a learning theme to our students, the calendar is filled with them. Here's a year-long resource for an author birthday focus every month.
Read Across America Day was originally conceived to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Seuss. You might have been wearing out your "Cat in the Hat" striped chapeau for all the Marches for as long as you've been teaching. Maybe your school focuses on Dr. Seuss, or maybe you just enjoy that celebration in your classroom. Maybe your own teacher tied a red bow around her neck every March, and the memories are filled with warm fuzzies. are ready for a new idea?

Did you know that Leo Dillon's birthday is March 2 also?  With his wife, Diane, Leo Dillon was the author/illustrator of forty beloved children's books. Many of the books will bring the concepts of diversity and world peace into your classroom. What a beautiful segue from February is Black History Month! Why not kick off March is Reading Month this year with a fresh focus?

A favorite Dillon book of mine is If Kids Ran the World. My students were so fortunate to have the chance to meet this gentle and lovely couple before Leo's death in 2012, when they visited our school.  The mentoring for our future authors and illustrators was off the charts! If Kids Ran the World was the book they were working on at the time of Leo's passing.

In addition to the beautiful illustrations and words showing how the world would be a better place if we all cared  for others in the way these children do, this book effortlessly becomes a mentor text. Click below to learn more:

Some other authors whose work will make for great sharing and inspiration any time of the year: Patricia Polacco, Eve Bunting, and Jacqueline Woodson. These are a few of my favorites, and my students have enjoyed many lessons for reading and writing led off by the works of these writers. 

Try The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco to see how the author's own mother was encouraged to love reading!
Share a read-aloud of The Wretched Stone by Chris Van Alsburg to prompt a discussion of all the things we might enjoy if we give up a little screen time. 

Of course, no month-long celebration is complete without a few official school-wide or grade-wide or even class-wide activities. Some of my favorites:

Hold a Read-In
In no way should this be confused with a clean your desk, grade papers, and enter data day. Wipe that thought from your mind. It's tempting for sure, but a read-in day where you participate right along with the kids is a golden opportunity to encourage a lifelong love of reading (like yours!). Only you can be the role model for that in your classroom. Sleeping bags, blankies, jammies, and pillows optional! My kids always liked making little fort areas under the desks for uninterrupted reading bliss!

Who doesn't love a Parade?
Ask your students to bring in their Radio Flyer or Little Tykes wagons to use as float carriers for a Parade of Books! (Think Macy's Thanksgiving or Disney any day, or The Rose Bowl Parade, but with books!)  Kids work in teams to create a float display (think giant diorama!) of a book. The team members dress as some of the characters as they accompany their float in a parade for school and community!

Spotlight on Books
Create a display with a fun place to leave comments/reviews about a book that the class shared as a class novel, book club choice, or read-aloud. Place a book cover in the center of the display, and kids write comments all around. Examples of fun places to leave comments: black construction paper with colored chalks, small white boards with wipe-off markers, plexiglass with window markers, fabric with glitter pens. I know your kids can  help you think of more! 

Recommended in Rainbow City
That's what we called ours, anyway! Start a weekly or monthly newsletter or blog section where kids can review books they have read and loved. It's a great resource for your students to clip and keep on hand for when they are browsing for new books to read. 

Book Trailers
Use your technology (iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, or your favorite movie creator) to have your students create exciting trailers to "advertise" their favorite books. So many resources, directions, and examples of book trailers for kids in this post. (Just click on the director below!)

I loved sharing ideas for March is Reading Month with my podcasting friends, Tracy, Deann, and Kathie. Tune in to "We Teach So Hard" Episode 28 to hear what we came up with!

Happy, happy March! Hope you get to read something you love this month, too!

If I can do anything else to help make your job easier this year, please let me know in the comments below! If I use your idea for a new blog post, you will win a TpT $10 gift card. If I create a new resource for Rainbow City Learning based on your idea, you will win a free copy of that resource to use in your classroom! (Note: all comments are reviewed before appearing on my blog. It may take a few hours for your comment to appear! Thanks for your patience!)

For more thoughts on teaching as we wait for Spring, don't miss these posts by our awesome members of Teacher Talk!  

If you would also like to be a part of Teacher Talk, we are a group of teacher bloggers who share posts
that are heavy on the ideas with just a little selling of our educational materials at  For more information about joining The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative, go to  Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

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A Read Aloud for February

February Read Aloud

She climbed in my lap, her fluffy curls tickling my chin, and grandsweetheart #6 and I began to devour our latest new book, Have I Ever Told You? by Shani King. What a delicious and inspirational read for home, with your own precious babies, or at school with your also precious students. (No longer an affiliate. I recommend this book purely from the depths of my heart!)

As we turned the pages, each one beginning with the words, "Have I ever told you..." or "Have I told you...", and she answered in her sweet and bell-like voice, "Yes, you have!" or "No." or "Just now!", my mind was buzzing with the reach of this idea far beyond a bedtime story. What a beautiful read for February, the month of love, this month of remembrance, of honoring the achievements of African Americans, of looking forward to honoring the achievements of women in March. If I still had my classroom, I would definitely be dancing down the hall with this one this week, ready to share with my class! Yeah, I love sleeping late and not even worrying about snow days, but I would give it all up to share this with some kids! As many as possible, so teachers, please help me out with this!

Each page reaches deep within your soul and far beyond your own existence to all the possibilities that just being human can offer. It lets the child know that he/she is special, loved, can be anything, and should reach out to others on so many levels. It reminds with each new page that as teachers, as parents, and grandparents, aunts, uncles, caregivers and keepers of kids in any way that rings true for you. that we teach what we are.

We teach what we are. The kids are always watching and listening. The best things we can model are love and compassion for others. No fancy props or complicated lesson plan is ever necessary for this. You don't need to write notes or start your class valentines with, "Have I ever told you?" (although what a great mentor text lesson you might do with this book!). Some key management decisions that you might make for your classroom could easily send that message.

Simple things like letting your class plan the Valentine party and how Valentines might be distributed and shared would send the message, "Have I ever told you what great ideas you have?"

Establishing a class government system in which every child has a voice and a personal  stake says, "Have I ever told you that you can make hard choices and live with them?"

Infusing multicultural studies throughout the year, not just during a designated month or week or holiday, will be sending the clear message, "Have I told you how important it is that we all feel honored, loved and respected? All of us!"

Showing students the future career possibilities of work that they are doing right now will say, "Have I told you that you can be anything you choose as you prepare for life as an adult?" Letting your kids respond to lessons in multiple ways or to craft responses using their current strengths will tell them that you value their strengths and make them unafraid to try new things and respond in other ways as well.

This is a perfect time to stretch our wings with some additional modeling. If we are teachers who respect others, show compassion for all, and truly believe in our kids as learners now and citizens in the future, let's teach it through the opportunities we provide.  Love is in the air in the days ahead. Let's sprinkle in some positivity, compassion, belief in each other, and trust with what matters. The air has plenty of room and can hold all that and more! Start with a great read-aloud!

Click on links above for ideas from Rainbow City Learning on adding more to the air than love next month!

For more great ideas for the month ahead, be sure to visit all the blogs of Teacher Talk!

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