Box 1

Box 1

Box 2

Box 2
Character Education

Box 3

Box 3
Digital Learning

Let's Have Some Fun

Anyone out there feeling nervous/ scared/ 
overwhelmed/ excited/ confused/ distressed/ insecure, 
and downright STRESSED about going back to school?  

Well, you're not alone!

Research proves that a good way to release some stress is to 

Here's a Rainbow City story that I hope will make you laugh:
     We had been listening to Bullyproof Music's song "Monkey in 
My Head" as we transitioned from class meeting time to math. After 
the mini-lesson, kids were working on problem solving in groups. 
A particularly energetic student could clearly be seen from across the 
room as not participating with his group. He appeared to be talking 
and laughing, disrupting his group and the one next to his. No one 
around him was able to get started on their task. As I approached him, 
he just flashed his amazing smile, pointed to his head, said, 
"Monkeys!"and shrugged. (Got right to work after that!)

To add some fun and humor to your math class, why not try 
CeeCee Math, a series of lessons about a little girl who is writing 
letters to your kids from her math class, asking for help with 

To get your own copy of that amazing Monkey Song, visit I Am Bullyproof Music on TpT!